
Which Periods Of Football Matches More Goals Are Scored?

In which periods of football matches more goals are scored?
Written by, Oscar Holt Tue 21 Jun
In which periods of football matches more goals are scored?
In which periods of football matches more goals are scored?

Which Periods Of Football Matches More Goals Are Scored?

One thing to consider when placing football bets is in which minutes more goals are scored. That is, when usually goals can change the result of a match. Knowing this information can help us to win money through our predictions. Here, we will find out in which minutes most goals usually take place and how this information can benefit us.

In Which Minutes The Most Goals Are Usually Scored?

The stretch of the game where the most goals happen is the one that goes from minute 60 to 90 (including discount), that is, in the last 30 minutes of each game where a higher number of goals are concentrated. We are speaking in general terms for any football match. But, below, we will mention some teams and competitions that increase or reduce this trend.

Statistics Of Goals Per Minute In European Leagues

Next, we will show the influence of the last minutes on the result of the matches. We will check the proportion of goals scored from the 60th minute, that is, in the last third of the games. To do this, we will take statistics from the 2021/22 season from three of the most relevant leagues in Europe as a reference:

  • In the Spanish First Division, when 217 of the 380 to be played on the calendar have been scored, 39.5% of the total goals scored occurred after the 60th minute.
  • In the English Premier League, 41.3% of the goals happened after 60 minutes, when 214 of the 380 matches to be played had already been completed.
  • In Italy's Serie A, after 226 games out of 380, 39% of the goals were scored in the last third of them.

The percentage of goals occurring in the last third of matches is higher than those scored in the first two thirds. This factor is interesting for any punter. Regarding the teams' performance, consider that Hoffenheim, Guimaraes, Dortmund, and PSV Eindhoven are the European teams with the most goals after 75 minutes. These teams have an average equal to or greater than 0 .65 goals in that period.

Strategy Betting After 75 Minutes

By knowing that many goals occur during the last minutes of the matches, we can design a betting strategy. Therefore, we can opt for different markets that usually offer good odds. They can help us obtain better results in our forecasts. Let’s see which markets we should choose to bet on during this part of the match:

  • Result and Both teams to score: Normally, goals happening in this period mean that there will be a winner, and both teams will score.
  • Both score and +2.5 goals: These goals in the last minutes usually mean that many games end with +2.5 goals, recording results such as 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, etc.
  • Both teams will score in the second half: Typically, this market offers high odds and only requires goals scored during the second half. Of course, this half includes the last stretch where changes in the scoreboard frequently occur.

All this information will be helpful for you to win by betting on goals during the last minutes of soccer matches.

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